Why Modesty is More Relevant than Ever
Updated: Dec 24, 2024

Scarf: Amazon, 35" square / Sweater: Amazon Essentials, XS-6X / Skirt: Grace Karin, XS-XXL / Shoes: Calvin Klein

"What you wear is how you present yourself to the word, especially today, when human contacts are so quick. Fashion is instant language."
Modesty is powerful and timeless.
It communicates strength of character. It gives you power. And it can never be outdated...

In the digital age, social interactions are short and often shallow.
Modern life is dominated by the visual. (Our other senses are much less engaged.)
The visual is the superficial: what the eye can see.
Yet people so want their inner world to be seen. Their thoughts and feelings, beliefs and experiences.

Gadgets have taken the zest out of companionship.
From waiting rooms to weddings, people's minds are elsewhere.
The distractions breed loneliness. People feel unseen.
Expose too much of your body, and the human inside will be further ignored.

Dressing modestly reminds others that there's a person on the inside, too. A person of quality and substance. With heart and soul and something to say.
Not just a collection of body parts, or one in particular.
A whole person...

Modest clothing conceals, yet reveals.
Dressing modestly calibrates attention. ("I'm up here.")
Like a camera lens, it adjusts the focus onto your energy and character. It highlights your intellect and wit, which you've so labored to sharpen.
Calibrating what others focus on is a form of power. Power is good. It makes people like you more.

Dressing modestly is relevant for our times. For you, for today. You need it--and we all need you-- more than ever.
May your classy attire reveal your best self.
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